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Update: Earth Trusteeship Forum, Bangkok (19 – 21 July 2019)

Earth Trusteeship Initiative

"All global citizens are equal trustees of the Earth" – for the wellbeing of future generations and the community of life.

We take this opportunity to share the following press statement from the organisers of the Earth Trusteeship Initiative about the exciting event being held in Bangkok between 19 - 21 July 2019, as detailed below.

Living Law was amongst those privileged to participate in the launch event of the "Hague Principles for a Universal Declaration on Responsibilities for Human Rights and Earth Trusteeship" held at the Peace Palace in the Hague in December 2018 (the "Hague Principles"). We have signed, and are amongst the supporters and endorsers of, the Hague Principles, which may be accessed online via the following link.

The forum in Bangkok will now explore how to put the concept of "Earth Trusteeship" into action.


Earth Trusteeship Forum

Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, 19 – 21 July 2019

Forum to explore and put into action Earth Trusteeship


Earth Trusteeship has been proposed as an overarching principle for International Environmental Law ("IEL"). An Earth Trusteeship “Appeal” was submitted as civil society input in the UN Working Group that formulated recommendations to the UN General Assembly, in the framework of the emerging Global Pact for the Environment.

The Global Pact is a joint initiative of the French lawyers’ association and the French government towards a binding agreement protecting (and enabling restoration of*) the integrity of “eco-system Earth”.

Late Judge C.G. Weeramantry, Sri Lanka, former Vice President of the International Court of Justice, The Hague, was the opinion that such a global agreement can in principle be established by consensus on Earth Trusteeship among the world religions.

Customary international law that would recognise the equal rights and responsibilities of citizens as trustees of the Earth will be in line with indigenous worldviews implying that natural resources should be treated as “commons”.

Intercultural consensus on Earth Trusteeship can provide a foundation for a new economic paradigm. It addresses inequality at a fundamental level, and enables integrated governance towards the realisation of genuine sustainability.

Earth Trusteeship has been laid out in the Hague Principles that were adopted at the occasion of “70 Years Universal Declaration of Human Rights”, 10 December 2018, at the Peace Palace, The Hague. *) In particular in the framework of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration 2021 – 2030.


Chulalongkorn University, Mahachulalongkorn building, Room 105 (Henri Dunant Road).

Day 1 – Friday 19 July 16.00 – 20.00 hours

Welcome Reception and Dinner with Sulak Sivaraksa, Ambassador of the Netherlands in Bangkok Kees Rade, Ajarn Suthipand Chirathivat, CGN, Ajarn Prapart Pintobtang, CUSRI, Dato Anwar Fazal, Right Livelihood College, Malaysia and Stina Thanner, Right Livelihood Award Foundation, Stockholm, Sweden. Music by Panyotai Waldorf School. Forum Outline by Hans van Willenswaard, Thailand/the Netherlands.

Day 2 – Saturday 20 July 09.00 – 20.00 hours

Right Livelihood Lecture by Prof. in Evolutionary Biology Raúl Montenegro, National University of Cordoba, Argentina, CURLS 2019 theatre improvisation. Dialogue on Nature Rights, Global Citizenship and "reclaiming the commons" Panel I, II, III and World Café with Professor of Law Klaus Bosselmann, New Zealand, Dasho Karma Ura, Bhutan, Alide Roerink, the Netherlands, Earth Charter, Neshan Gunasekera, Sri Lanka, World Future Council, Wallapa van Willenswaard, INI and School for Wellbeing, Thailand, Justice Suntariya Muanpawong, Supreme Court, Thailand, Aneesh Thillenkery, JAI JAGAT 2020, India, Netiwit Chotiphatphaisal, student activist, Thailand, Dr. Lasse Schuldt, Germany/Thailand, CPG, Thammasat University, Jan van de Venis, the Netherlands. Ombudsperson for Future Generations, Diana Archer, Stockholm Research Institute, Gunjan Singh, Advocate before the Supreme Court of India, Human Rights Law Network, and Mike Hayes, Mahidol Institute of Human Rights and Peace Studies, Dinner with Tammai Ensemble.

Day 3 – Sunday 21 July 09.00 – 15.00 hours

Interreligious ceremony and Panel IV + World Café with Phra Win Mektripop, Alissa Wahid, Gusdurians, Indonesia, Yeb Sano, Greenpeace Southeast Asia, Philippines, Harsha Navaratne, Sri Lanka, INEB, and Katherine Marshall, Religious and Traditional Peacemakers, USA. Closing remarks by Sulak Sivaraksa. Open Space with Somboon Chungprampree, INEB, and Rexy Prakash Chacko, Malaysia.


Participants are encouraged to register for the full forum but can also join day by day. Forum fee: donation. Please register NOW.

More forum information:

The forum at Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, is organized by a diverse partnership at the occasion of “10 Years” School for Wellbeing Studies and Research. The School for Wellbeing was founded in 2009 by the Faculty of Political Science, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, the Centre for Bhutan & GNH Studies, Thimphu, Bhutan, and the Sathirakoses Nagapradipa Foundation (established by Sulak Sivaraksa in 1968), Thailand. It is an independent platform for action research and vision exchange.

The School for Wellbeing together with Wongsanit Ashram shape the Southeast Asia campus of the Right Livelihood College

Cultural events during the Earth Trusteeship Forum include Isarn music of Tammai Ensemble directed by Anant Nakkrong, music by students of Panyotai Waldorf School, and “theatre improvisation” by participants of the international Chula Right Livelihood Summerschool (CURLS) coordinated by Marieke Vingerhoets and Jansje Flügge, the Netherlands.


Hans and Wallapa van Willenswaard and 081 - 4062260

Narumon Paiboonsittikun

Kanyanat Lertkhonsan (Kaem)

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